The DBV Technologies website is a great place to go if you are one of the hundreds of millions of people to suffer from one or other of our most common allergies. The increasing prevalence of certain allergies is a relatively recent phenomenon, affecting the western world in particular.
For example, in the United States alone, each year anything upwards of 200 people die and 125,000 people require emergency treatment because of food allergies which may be triggered by anything from white fish and crab to oysters and eggs. And that’s not to forget other common non-food allergies such as pollen and house dust mite.
Of particular interest to allergy sufferers is the Viaskin platform ( As you can see in the photograph below, this takes the form of an extremely discreet patch, typically worn on the arm. Different patches exist for the treatment and diagnosis of different allergies. Although the patch is still in the developmental stage, it is hoped to roll out patches for cow’s milk protein, peanut, house dust mite and egg in the not too distant future.